Leagues & Programs

CESA is a recreational soccer league based in Columbus, Ohio. Click the link below to discover more about our upcoming season, age groups, fees, and additional details.

The LCFL, located in Likoni Mombasa Kenya,  exposes young people to the sport of soccer and provides opportunities to create leaders within the community.

F3 Futsal is our indoor soccer program that meets once a week to work on various skills.

The 6-18 Project (for ages 6 to 18) was established to provide players from all communities with a pathway to numerous opportunities through the forum of soccer.

A youth soccer club based in Columbus Ohio for ages 6-13. Compete against elite talent while growing your game with the best coaches.

OYA is Columbus’ youth soccer club serving mostly the East African community.

Columbus Lions

Columbus Eagles Soccer Club

Ibada ya Kiswahili (IYK)

Open Club Tryouts

Interested in joining one of our club teams? Open tryouts are starting soon so register now to let us know that you’ll be trying out for the team!

Columbus East FC

Ohio Youth Academy

Ibada ya Kiswahili (IYK)

Columbus Eagles

Columbus Lions