6-10: teach them to love in
10-16: teach them to play it
16-18: teach them to win
“Let the children play day and night, and let them make mistakes.” - Pep Guardiola
Relationships with parents, coaches, players
Are the sessions fun?
Are sessions safe?
Developing the roots for wanting to play and learn
Creating an environment for experiential learning
Introducing and developing basic technical abilities
The best teacher is the game itself.
Encourage kids to play on their own - backyard play
Tactical development
Understanding the game, roles, and positions
More advanced technical work
Game related training
Developing a team culture
Team expectations and behavior
Developing a winning mindset
Motivate players intrinsically to reach their full potential
Team framework and chemistry
Creating a pathway for players to further their career
Create strong resilient people ready for life - good citizens
Famous author and researcher Malcolm Gladwell writes about how the technical knowledge of the first coach is much, much less important than their ability to interest the person in the activity. A study of professional musicians, for example, found that they typically didn’t get high quality tuition until they had already been playing for several years. The lack of ‘technical’ tuition at the beginning didn’t hurt them because they loved the instrument and wanted to practice. In hindsight, it is obvious that people will spend much more time and energy doing things they love. That is why it can be argued that the very first and most important coaching skill is to teach to love the activity.
Teach them to love the game first... The first coach is the most important.
Under 6-7
“Skill is technique under pressure”
Ball mastery is the key component to build a foundation for higher technical ability. Free play is vital to develop problem solving without outside input (thinking for themselves). Coaching staff must create a safe and fun atmosphere for all participants. Focus on character development and encouraging positive players. Limited instruction but lots of positivity and encouragement.
Coaches should never advise their players to pass or shoot during play - the player should learn to make the decision on their own. Focus on spatial awareness and not necessarily positions.
Under 8
The goalie can use his or her hands, and when they have possession, they should be advised to roll the ball out with their hands, or pass the ball with their feet to a teammate nearby. Field players should be aware of width and depth, making the field bigger (spacing). Reaffirm taking risks and learning from mistakes.
1v1 should be a part of every training session in some capacity. Players should be able to execute 3-4 dribbling moves while moving. Introduce the importance of scanning the field for defensive players and for open spaces.
Process of learning → written word first, then hearing, then observing, then practicing. Coaches need to work to provide this process for kids. Some kids need each stage of learning. The same can be said of coaches too. Coaches may not want or have the ability to read this page, so we want to have videos and coaching clinics available as well.
Under 10
The focus at these ages should be FUN and individual growth with the ball to create a passion for the game. Coaches need to be comfortable with sacrificing some results for the benefit of individual growth and development. Team shape on both sides of the ball can now be introduced as well as certain requirements within the system of play (making the field bigger).
Areas of Focus: Establishing proper technique on the ball (dribbling, turns, moves, passing, and receiving) through repetition and progression is the goal. Good activities (1v1 – 4v4) will include technical, tactical and cognitive elements that are competitive, free flowing and fun. Keep coaching interruptions to a minimum. Coaches at these ages should be supportive and focusing on success while identifying areas of need, we should picking out what is good.
Under 12
Feeling comfortable building out of the back.
Making mistakes is part of the process.
Developing range of passing.
Understanding of team concepts.
Importance of being a team player and commitment to the team (attending practices and games, effort, etc.)
As players go from 7 to 9 a side, they are asked to process the game with more players on the field and begin to discover solutions to the problems that they will encounter. Solutions should be based on reading the game, creativity, comfort on the ball, and playing out of danger. Players and coaches should continue to explore multiple positions on the field and gain an appreciation and understanding for each role. Creative solutions to the challenges that the game presents will breed confidence and ultimately lead to more enjoyment for players.
Areas of Focus: The emphasis of 9 v 9 soccer is still on individual player development while the concept of keeping all players on the field involved and connected is introduced. Small sided 3v3 & 4 v 4 to 8 v 8 exercises, along with numbers up/down situations, are now introduced with an increased awareness of the concepts of transition. All players should recognize both opportunities to attack (develop and identify goal scorers) and the responsibility of everyone to defend. Roles and responsibilities become more established for positional play within a system. The concept of zonal defending should also be introduced.
Coaching on the Sideline
Please refrain from asking players to dribble, pass and shoot while they are playing. At this age, or any age, it does not help the player's development. They need to be able to make decisions on their own while they are on the ball. If we really want to teach our kids, we should wait until a stoppage of play or when they are off the field and tell them when they should dribble, when they should pass
Warm-up before Matches
Ask players to arrive with their soccer balls 15-30 minutes before the game. This is the perfect time to hold a skills session with your kids. This is the time they are usually most focused because they are wearing their jerseys and ready to play. Work on toe touches, milkshakes (ball back and forth with inside of foot), inside-outside, inside-outside with both feet, red-light, green-light, working on moves like pull-backs, fake left - go right (push with outside of right foot) and fake right - go left (push with outside of left foot).