The F3 HUB
The future home of Final Third Foundation.

Central to F3s approach is its commitment to fostering enduring relationships and nurturing communities through multifaceted programming. Initiated through the universal language of soccer, these connections evolve into robust enrichment programs targeting physical, mental, and social well-being. From soccer and literacy initiatives integrated into local schools to environmental awareness programs at Pathways Park, F3s impact resonates across Central Ohio.
Phase 1 Goal Accomplished
Final Third Foundation Receives $300K State Capital Budget Grant to Begin Development of Office and Shelter at Pathways Park
The investment has kickstarted the development of the F3 HUB, a true home facility at Pathways Park. This initial phase includes the construction of our Innovation Center and the establishment of an Outdoor Learning Center & Shelter.
Looking ahead to 2026, F3 aims to expand the facility to include:
Construction of two full-size 11v11 soccer turfs with lights
Repavement of the main parking lot
Installation of bathrooms
Development of an urban farm alongside one of the turf fields
To view more info please click here
Campaign Phase II